Friday, June 1, 2012

He hangs out in the thick darkness:

the Bible speaks of God's jealousy as if someone were to reject his advances of love that you might as wall be a dead corps. Your life is over and there is no hope for the future. But any one of any faith that has spent any amount of quality time in the Spirit understands there are spiritual values that can not be attained except through the suffering of the soul. when someone suffers the lose of hope to the point of being able to say about God like David said I made my bed in hell and you are there! And then you live to come back to tell about it. You can tell the next hurting soul that the moment has come to PASS! And then you can help them rejoice that they too have survived. God is beautiful for situation and has chosen the victorious soul that lived through the moment that came to PASS! To help the soul that is still struggling in the moment before the moment passes. It truly is a privilege to serve the LORD.
Psa 23:5  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Many people forget to notice that in the middle of the battle, and at the moment of greatest misfortune the time of preparation for the victory celebration is under way! It is the moment of 'half way' between the start of the event that brought you to the place of darkest despair, and the beginning of Gods time of celebration for the Valiant.

Do your self a favor and remember that God always has the last say.

In his service; Ed

This was written by a wana be nobody..............
Because 'nobody' dose it like Jesus!

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